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We support OAFI’s osteoarthritis patient-centric strategy. Have you signed for their upcoming congress yet?

OAFI’s 5th International Osteoarthritis Patients Congress will take place in Barcelona, on October 14th and 15th. You are still on time to sign up!

Logo OAfi quinta edición

Sermes CRO is a patient-centric company. We strive to always put the patient in the center of any clinical research strategy. That is the reason why our Patient Centric Unit is a crosswise department within our company, influencing every service we deliver.

Sharing knowledge is critical when it comes to meet one of our main goals, that is, improving people’s quality of life. Hence, we support OAFI on this event and encourage you to attend its upcoming congress regarding Osteoarthrosis Patients. It will be held in a hybrid format for the first time. You can sign up following this link. You will also have the chance to check the conference a week after the event, as it will be available in their Youtube channel.

The theme for this year’s congress will be “We face pain together”. OAFI’s aim it to make visible the arthrosis disease, as well as sensitizing general population about it. Way to go OAFI!


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