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University collaboration agreement between Sermes CRO and Francisco de Vitoria University: new talent to be recruited

Sermes CRO and Francisco de Vitoria University have signed a collaboration agreement to incorporate internship students, as well as hiring recent graduates from this university.

Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

It is a framework agreement, open to students of all faculties, but especially oriented to Computer Engineering and Mathematical Engineering students that want to develop their professional careers in the world of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

In the last years, Sermes CRO has evolved from being a traditional CRO to being a technology CRO company. Technology plays a fundamental role in creating added valeu services for clients in the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology companies.

“Our Big Data & Artificial Intelligence department is currently a core issue in Sermes CRO, we see it as a transversal factor within all the services we offer as a contract research organization”, explains Antonio Berlanga, SermesCRO CEO. “Thanks to this we are able to reduce the times of clinical trials, as well as some costs associated not only with clinical trial timings. This means a really disruptive change in the industry because we are talking about clinical trial digitalization and remote actions”, says Berlanga.

The agreement was signed on April 26 between Antonio Berlanga, Sermes CRO CEO, and José Antonio Verdejo Delgado, General Secretary of Francisco de Vitoria University. The agreement follows others already in force with leading educational Spanhish centers such as Autónoma University (through the Instituto Fundación Teófilo Hernando), Complutense University and Carlos III University, all three in Madrid; Alcalá de Henares University and UNIR (La Rioja).


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