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Proud of Sermes CRO’s women workers

Women biotechnologists, doctors, pharmacists, biologists, chemists, psychologists, biochemists, engineers, veterinarians, and nutritionists... All of them are part of our staff and make us feel proud, every day, with their contribution of knowledge, their experience and their ability to produce new ideas for the improvement of clinical research processes

By Sermes CRO

Dia de la Mujer blog Sermes CRO investigación clínica en femenino plural

Recently published figures about women researchers in Spain show the enormous contribution that women make to scientific progress. According to the report “Women Scientists in Figures 2021“, carried out by the Observatory of Women, Science and Innovation, there has been a gradual increase of the presence of female researchers in our country in the last years. 41% of the researchers are women, way above the European average (34%). This is very good news, but in the private industry this figure goes down to 31%, therefore, it is not yet possible to speak of a balance between the public and private research sectors.

However, that does not mean that there are companies that far exceed the much-desired parity of women and men at all levels of the organization. As a clinical research services company, at Sermes CRO we are proud to have a workforce in which women represent 73.7% of the total. In addition, women make up more than 50% of our management committee.

STEM careers at Sermes CRO

The so-called STEM careers (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) are the majority among our graduated employees. 77.78% of our women workers hold STEM careers (compared to 22.22% of men): biotechnologists, doctors, pharmacists, biologists, chemists, psychologists, biochemists, nutritionists, engineers and veterinarians, all of whom make us feel proud, every day, with their contribution of knowledge, their experience and their ability to come up with ideas to improve the clinical research processes we carry out.

Together with Sermes CRO’s STEM women, we are proud to have women who carry out essential tasks when it comes to making our clients’ clinical trials good. They make it possible for clinical trials to be approved, for contracts to be signed in a timely manner, and for patients participating in the studies to be reimbursed… Thanks to them, files can be kept with the required quality level and in accordance with strict regulations… Without their dedicated work, clinical trials could not be carried out.

47 points above the Ibex companies

Moreover, if we compare women workers data from other sectors of activity unrelated to research, we can see there is still a big difference between men and women workers. The “IX of Women in the Ibex” carried out by Atrevia and IESE, reflects that female representation in listed companies remains at 25.8%, below the CNMV recommendations for 2020. As for the companies that are part of the Ibex, women are close to 34% on the boards of directors but do not reach 19% on the management committees.

At Sermes CRO we are proud to belong to a sector in which, although there is still a long way to go, the upward trend in the participation of women at all levels of research is evident. And even more proud to see that our company is far ahead of the industry average when it comes to female talent. Thank you all, Sermes CRO women, and Happy Women’s Day!


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