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Mercedes Ovejero, co-author of a new scientific publication on bipolar disorder

Mercedes Ovejero is a specialist in clinical trials data analysis, PhD in Psychology and associate professor of applied Psychology Statistics at the Complutense University of Madrid. Her new publication analyzes social and emotional cognition in first degree relatives of bipolar disorder.

Mercedes Ovejero

Mercedes Ovejero is one of those people who lives research with passion. She is a thorough researcher and data enthusiastic, both inside and outside Sermes CRO, where she brings her experience and her wise to the analysis of data collected in clinical trials.

Her latest work as an independent researcher addresses bipolar disorder from a comparative approach, analyzing the differences in social cognition of bipolar disorder relatives. The study has been published in Plos One, an open access scientific journal, under the title: “Social cognition in first-degree relatives of bipolar disorder: Theory of Mind and nonverbal sensitivity, being it part of Usue Espinos’ thesis on “Theory of Mind in bipolar disorder: comparative study with unipolar depression and people without mental illness”.

Mercedes Ovejero is one of the paper’s co-authors, responsible for establishing the methodology and carrying out the formal analysis. The publication spotlights the need to “evaluate patients with bipolar disorder and their relatives as regards to their profile of emotions and the quality of their emotional processing”, she explains.

One of the study’s suggestions states that bipolar disorder treatment approach must also consider the family context, which could improve the social skills of relatives and patients, and, ultimately, generate a favorable and more stable environment for patients.

Read the full article here: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0246908


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