MSD grants Sermes CRO its Diversity Award 2022
MSD rewards Sermes CRO’s diversity in its “Power of Inclusion Awards 2022”, in the disability category. The global pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme selects us among all its vendors as the company that best represents the values of diversity and disability care
Survival Analysis Done Wisely
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CTIS, year 2023: a critical moment for clinical trial management in Europe
What changes to expect in January of 2023 regarding the management of clinical trials in Europe? What have we learned in this first year with CTR 536/2014 in force and CTIS in operation? How much time is left until the transition period ends? How much time have the sponsors of clinical trials to adapt to the new situation?
“Advanced Therapies are the medicine of the future”: Mercedes Zurita, researcher and head of the Cell Therapy Unit at Puerta de Hierro Hospital
We interviewed Dr. Mercedes Zurita, researcher at the Puerta de Hierro Hospital and head of the Cell Therapy Unit at this site, the only one in Spain to offer NC1 therapy for patients with spinal cord injury. This novel treatment is the result of a long and successful research in which Sermes CRO has done its bit by contributing during the development of the entire clinical phase and by providing initial funding through the Sermes Foundation for Clinical Research
Dolores Pérez Méndez, appointed as Quality Assurance director at Sermes CRO
Sermes Cro strengthens its Quality Assurance activities thanks to the appointment of Dolores Pérez Méndez as its new director. She has developed her career within clinical research, specifically in the area of Advanced Therapies, for 10 years
Survival Analysis Done Wisely
Survival analysis is one of the most useful and frequently implemented statistic tools in clinical trial analysis, especially in the oncology field. Although the name of this technique may seem to be linked to the analysis of patients’ survival, it is a very versatile technique! Keep reading if you want to learn more about the features and components of this analysis!
Are we making the most of the new European clinical trials platform, CTIS?
We analyze the usage data of the CTIS in its first three months of operation and we present you the new report that the EMA will publish periodically with the main KPIs. It comprehensively monitors the European clinical trial ecosystem.
Clinical trials: the patient’s perspective
What are clinical trials? What is the point of clinical trials? Are they different from common clinical practice? Who is involved in clinical trials? From the beginning of the development of any drug until it is available to patients and health professionals, its safety and efficacy must be studied and demonstrated. That is exactly what clinical trials are conducted for!!
From data recording to changing people’s lives: 25 years of Sermes CRO
Today is a big day for Sermes CRO. We are celebrating our 25th anniversary!! Antonio Berlanga, our CEO, was one of the two people that founded the company back in 1997. We now have more than 250 employees and have managed mora than 1500 clinical trials during the last five years. Learn more about our history and our future reading the full article!
How to solve reimbursement to patients effectively
The lack of access of the clinical trial sponsors to the patients’ data is in line with the ethic that should govern any clinical research. Nevertheless, this rule can be a great obstacle when it comes to carrying out a reimbursement or payment to the patients. This is the reason of being of PayPat, a solution to the management of reimbursements towards patients, in which leading pharmaceutical laboratories already trust